Punk Rock Radio and the Enigma with Serana Rose

Punk Rock Radio and the Enigma with Serana Rose

Monday, February 18, 2013

13.02.18 set list

flatfoot 56 - this town
dropkick murphy's - state of mass.
7 seconds - panic attack
deadline - time ran out
minor threat - guilty of being white
rollings band - low self opinion
the meteors - she's a zombie now
brassknukle boys - american girl
save ferris - under 21
rezurex - not from heaven
nofx - murder the government
gogol bordello - immigrant punk
murphy's law - crucial BBQ
mad caddies - monkeys
das kapital - drunken wager
circle jerks - beat me senseless
addicts - joker in the pack
all - world's on heroin
streetlight manifesto - one foot on the gas, one foot in the grave
jfa - charlie brown
naked raygun - growing away
urine trouble - attack!
naked raygun - home
faction - generation
mighty mighty boostones - i'll drink to that
suicidal tendencies - possessed to skate
mcrad - ton groholski
4 skins - clockwork skinhead
sweater girl - varmit kong
free beer - start the ark
shotgun elvis - beer in hell
naked raygun - home of the brave

that's it for the night.....
whiskey in my future.....
go to reggie's rock club, cockney rejects, youth brigade, bolweevies....etc.
tony-d is off the deep end, beard, coveralls, banjo, what's next????? we need intervention!


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