Punk Rock Radio and the Enigma with Serana Rose

Punk Rock Radio and the Enigma with Serana Rose

Thursday, January 31, 2013

13.01.31 thoughts

At work trying to keep my sanity. I’m at my computer so I plugged in my music for some inspiration. Rockin’ out to some of the songs on my set list that did not get the airtime they deserve. Sometimes a two-hour show just is not enough!

Some Save Ferris, GBH, Donkey Punch (Mullet Lifestyle), and Exploited…..these will head up next Monday’s show.

News flash- Tony D got himself a computer (and it works!) now and should start blogging soon! I can only imagine the shit he has got to say! All I can say is send the children to bed before reading.
No, I’m serious!


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