Punk Rock Radio and the Enigma with Serana Rose

Punk Rock Radio and the Enigma with Serana Rose

Monday, November 21, 2011

set list 11.11.21

fugazi - waiting room
magnafux - 21 gun salute/off to war
bad religion - do what you want
800 octane - paging mr. bronson
nofx - please play this song on the radio
88 fingers louie - 100 proof
naked raygun - rat patrol
mighty mighty boostones - 1-2-8
punchbox - dead (new music connected with punk rock radio on Facebook)
joey ramone - i got knocked down, but i'll get up
gang green - crocodile rock
no empathy - ben weasel don't like it
horrorpops - phycobitches from hell
op ivy - knowledge
casualties - system failed us again
lower class brats - ultra violence
jerry's kids - build me a bomb
INTERVIEW - With the Enigma and Serana Rose
donkey punch - punk rock santa
Ramones - Merry christmas, i don't want to fight tonight
gravetones - merry death
flogging molly - float
descendants - surburman home (out to O)
the real mckenzies - i hate my band
JFA - kick you
cro mags - we gotta know
pinhead gunpowder - 27
naked raygun - home of the brave

That's it. see you all next week. please send mail, email, text, Facebook, requests, complaints, compliments (yeah right!), and any other BS to us. Tony smelled like cologne tonight..... i think he is hiding something.


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